06. Solution: Split Data
Splitting in Time
We'll evaluate our model on a test set of data. For machine learning tasks like classification, we typically create train/test data by randomly splitting examples into different sets. For forecasting it's important to do this train/test split in time rather than a random split of all data points.
Training Time Series
In general, we can create training data by taking each of our complete time series and leaving off the last
data points to create corresponding, training time series.
In code this looks like this:
def create_training_series(complete_time_series, prediction_length):
'''Given a complete list of time series data, create training time series.
:param complete_time_series: A list of all complete time series.
:param prediction_length: The number of points we want to predict.
:return: A list of training time series.
# get training series
time_series_training = []
for ts in complete_time_series:
# truncate trailing `prediction_length` pts
return time_series_training
DeepAR will train on the provided data looking at different intervals that are
number of points as input and the next
number of points as output. It selects the context from the given, truncated training data, which is why it is important to leave off the last
Training and Test Series
We can visualize what these series look like, by plotting the train/test series on the same axis. We should see that the test series contains
of our data in a year, and a training series contains all but the last
points. Below are train/test series for 2007.